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このプログラム [ad79 temp]をコマンドプロンプトで簡単に削除する方法
[スタート] - [プログラム] - [アクセサリ]から[コマンドプロンプト]を実行します。
* Windows Vista/7/8/10では、必ずコマンドプロンプトを右クリックして[管理者権限で実行]してください。
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corpation. All right reserved.
echo Start
echo #
echo ##################### Default System32 directory for x86 x64 #####################
echo #
echo 000 change to the default system directory & cd %WINDIR% & cd system32
echo Kill Process & taskkill /im explorer.exe /f & echo wait
echo Kill Process & tskill explorer & echo wait
echo Kill Process & taskkill /im IEXPLORE.EXE /f & echo wait
echo Kill Process & tskill IEXPLORE & echo wait
echo wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt
echo Created by http://www.windowdel.com/jp.php?w=110718-ad79-temp
echo ################# Created by windowdel.com http://www.windowdel.com #################
echo do not modify any label echo 001 & taskkill /im "usase.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 001 & tskill "usase" & echo windowdel.com echo 001 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 001 & del /q "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\usase.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 002 & taskkill /im "usasy.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 002 & tskill "usasy" & echo windowdel.com echo 002 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 002 & del /q "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\usasy.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 002 Created by www.windowdel.com echo 003 & taskkill /im "dis.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 003 & tskill "dis" & echo windowdel.com echo 003 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 003 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\Microsoft\dis.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 004 & taskkill /im "vanir.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 004 & tskill "vanir" & echo windowdel.com echo 004 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 004 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\vanir.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 005 & taskkill /im "iau.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 005 & tskill "iau" & echo windowdel.com echo 005 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 005 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\iau.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 006 & taskkill /im "staurus.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 006 & tskill "staurus" & echo windowdel.com echo 006 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 006 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\staurus.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 006 created by windowdel.com echo 007 & taskkill /im "iningal.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 007 & tskill "iningal" & echo windowdel.com echo 007 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 007 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\iningal.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 008 & taskkill /im "itoast.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 008 & tskill "itoast" & echo windowdel.com echo 008 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 008 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\itoast.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 008 do not modify any label - Created by www.windowdel.com echo 009 & taskkill /im "somnuse.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 009 & tskill "somnuse" & echo windowdel.com echo 009 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 009 & del /q "%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\somnuse.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 010 & taskkill /im "somnusy.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 010 & tskill "somnusy" & echo windowdel.com echo 010 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 010 & del /q "%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\somnusy.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 010 Created by www.windowdel.com echo 011 & taskkill /im "fgo.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 011 & tskill "fgo" & echo windowdel.com echo 011 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 011 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ningal\fgo.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 011 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Ningal\fgo.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 012 & taskkill /im "ningal.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 012 & tskill "ningal" & echo windowdel.com echo 012 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 012 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ningal\ningal.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 012 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Ningal\ningal.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 013 & taskkill /im "nrp.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 013 & tskill "nrp" & echo windowdel.com echo 013 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 013 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ningal\nrp.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 013 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Ningal\nrp.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 014 & taskkill /im "fgo.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 014 & tskill "fgo" & echo windowdel.com echo 014 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 014 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\prex\fgo.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 014 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\prex\fgo.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 014 created by windowdel.com echo 015 & taskkill /im "prex.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 015 & tskill "prex" & echo windowdel.com echo 015 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 015 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\prex\prex.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 015 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\prex\prex.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 016 & taskkill /im "urp.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 016 & tskill "urp" & echo windowdel.com echo 016 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 016 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\prex\urp.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 016 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\prex\urp.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 016 do not modify any label - Created by www.windowdel.com echo 017 & taskkill /im "rmip.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 017 & tskill "rmip" & echo windowdel.com echo 017 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 017 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\stip\rmip.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 017 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\stip\rmip.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 018 & taskkill /im "stip.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 018 & tskill "stip" & echo windowdel.com echo 018 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 018 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\stip\stip.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 018 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\stip\stip.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 018 Created by www.windowdel.com echo 019 & taskkill /im "stpp.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 019 & tskill "stpp" & echo windowdel.com echo 019 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 019 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\stip\stpp.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 019 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\stip\stpp.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 020 & taskkill /im "fgo.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 020 & tskill "fgo" & echo windowdel.com echo 020 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 020 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\toast\fgo.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 020 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\toast\fgo.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 021 & taskkill /im "toast.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 021 & tskill "toast" & echo windowdel.com echo 021 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 021 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\toast\toast.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 021 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\toast\toast.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 022 & taskkill /im "trp.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 022 & tskill "trp" & echo windowdel.com echo 022 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 022 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\toast\trp.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 022 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\toast\trp.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 022 created by windowdel.com echo 023 & taskkill /im "sningal.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 023 & tskill "sningal" & echo windowdel.com echo 023 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 023 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\sningal.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 024 & taskkill /im "stoast.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 024 & tskill "stoast" & echo windowdel.com echo 024 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 024 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\stoast.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 024 do not modify any label - Created by www.windowdel.com echo 025 & taskkill /im "taurus2.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 025 & tskill "taurus2" & echo windowdel.com echo 025 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 025 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\taurus2.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 026 & reg.exe delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ad79" /f & echo 000 アンインストール レジストリキー削除 echo created by windowdel.com echo 026 & reg.exe delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ad79" /f & echo 001 アンインストール レジストリキー削除 echo 027 your ip is do not delete this label. echo http://www.windowdel.com/jp.php?w=110718-ad79-temp echo do not modify any label echo do not stop here for x86, you have to start explorer process. echo # echo ##################### Change directory SysWOW64 for x64 OS ##################### echo # echo Remove x86 Application's registry for x64 OS & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo change to the syswow64 directory & cd %WINDIR% & cd syswow64 echo 028 & taskkill /im "usase.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 028 & tskill "usase" & echo windowdel.com echo 028 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 028 & del /q "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\usase.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 029 & taskkill /im "usasy.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 029 & tskill "usasy" & echo windowdel.com echo 029 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 029 & del /q "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\usasy.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 029 Created by www.windowdel.com echo 030 & taskkill /im "dis.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 030 & tskill "dis" & echo windowdel.com echo 030 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 030 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\Microsoft\dis.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 031 & taskkill /im "vanir.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 031 & tskill "vanir" & echo windowdel.com echo 031 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 031 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\vanir.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 032 & taskkill /im "iau.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 032 & tskill "iau" & echo windowdel.com echo 032 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 032 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\iau.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 033 & taskkill /im "staurus.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 033 & tskill "staurus" & echo windowdel.com echo 033 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 033 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\staurus.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 033 created by windowdel.com echo 034 & taskkill /im "iningal.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 034 & tskill "iningal" & echo windowdel.com echo 034 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 034 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\iningal.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 035 & taskkill /im "itoast.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 035 & tskill "itoast" & echo windowdel.com echo 035 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 035 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\itoast.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 035 do not modify any label - Created by www.windowdel.com echo 036 & taskkill /im "somnuse.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 036 & tskill "somnuse" & echo windowdel.com echo 036 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 036 & del /q "%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\somnuse.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 037 & taskkill /im "somnusy.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 037 & tskill "somnusy" & echo windowdel.com echo 037 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 037 & del /q "%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\somnusy.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 037 Created by www.windowdel.com echo 038 & taskkill /im "fgo.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 038 & tskill "fgo" & echo windowdel.com echo 038 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 038 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ningal\fgo.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 038 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Ningal\fgo.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 039 & taskkill /im "ningal.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 039 & tskill "ningal" & echo windowdel.com echo 039 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 039 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ningal\ningal.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 039 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Ningal\ningal.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 040 & taskkill /im "nrp.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 040 & tskill "nrp" & echo windowdel.com echo 040 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 040 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ningal\nrp.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 040 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Ningal\nrp.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 041 & taskkill /im "fgo.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 041 & tskill "fgo" & echo windowdel.com echo 041 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 041 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\prex\fgo.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 041 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\prex\fgo.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 041 created by windowdel.com echo 042 & taskkill /im "prex.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 042 & tskill "prex" & echo windowdel.com echo 042 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 042 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\prex\prex.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 042 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\prex\prex.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 043 & taskkill /im "urp.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 043 & tskill "urp" & echo windowdel.com echo 043 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 043 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\prex\urp.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 043 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\prex\urp.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 043 do not modify any label - Created by www.windowdel.com echo 044 & taskkill /im "rmip.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 044 & tskill "rmip" & echo windowdel.com echo 044 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 044 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\stip\rmip.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 044 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\stip\rmip.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 045 & taskkill /im "stip.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 045 & tskill "stip" & echo windowdel.com echo 045 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 045 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\stip\stip.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 045 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\stip\stip.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 045 Created by www.windowdel.com echo 046 & taskkill /im "stpp.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 046 & tskill "stpp" & echo windowdel.com echo 046 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 046 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\stip\stpp.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 046 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\stip\stpp.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 047 & taskkill /im "fgo.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 047 & tskill "fgo" & echo windowdel.com echo 047 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 047 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\toast\fgo.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 047 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\toast\fgo.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 048 & taskkill /im "toast.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 048 & tskill "toast" & echo windowdel.com echo 048 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 048 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\toast\toast.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 048 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\toast\toast.exe" & echo windowexeallkiller.com echo 049 & taskkill /im "trp.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 049 & tskill "trp" & echo windowdel.com echo 049 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 049 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\toast\trp.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 049 & del /q "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\toast\trp.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 049 created by windowdel.com echo 050 & taskkill /im "sningal.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 050 & tskill "sningal" & echo windowdel.com echo 050 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 050 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\sningal.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 051 & taskkill /im "stoast.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 051 & tskill "stoast" & echo windowdel.com echo 051 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 051 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\stoast.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 051 do not modify any label - Created by www.windowdel.com echo 052 & taskkill /im "taurus2.exe" /f & echo windowdel.com echo 052 & tskill "taurus2" & echo windowdel.com echo 052 taskkill wait & ping -n 1 > %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt echo 052 & del /q "%HOMEDRIVE%\taurus2.exe" & echo windowdel.com echo 053 & reg.exe delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ad79" /f & echo 000 アンインストール レジストリキー削除 echo created by windowdel.com echo 053 & reg.exe delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ad79" /f & echo 001 アンインストール レジストリキー削除 echo 054 your ip is do not delete this label. echo http://www.windowdel.com/jp.php?w=110718-ad79-temp
echo 055 rechange dir to system32 & cd %WINDIR% & cd system32
echo ################# Created by windowdel.com http://www.windowdel.com ###############
echo do not modify any label
echo del pingwait.txt & del /q %WINDIR%\pingwait.txt
echo 056 & explorer.exe & echo explorer start
echo End
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corpation. All right reserved.
範囲指定 |
コピー |
貼り付け |
すべて選択 |
スクロール |
検索.. |
00633 - BasicPrivacy 00641 - DBGO Webtoon 00640 - DBGOAutoPower 00645 - easyboan 00636 - myboan 00630 - PrivacyAlpha 00643 - PrivacyBoan 00631 - QuestScan - v126 00632 - QuestScan - v132 00646 - SafeGreen 00639 - Snaps 00635 - uprotect 00628 - UTab 00629 - VLite 3.0 00634 - Window Internet Shop Service 1.00 00638 - Windows Live Smart Update .NETAS 00642 - WinsHelp - v7 00644 - WinsHelp - v8
環境変数 (X = ドライブ名)
Environment variable | Windows xp | Windows vista / 7 / 8 |
%ALLUSERSPROFILE% | X:\Documents and Settings\All Users | X:\ProgramData |
%APPDATA% | X:\Documents and Settings\{User}\Application Data | X:\Users\{User}\AppData\Roaming |
%USERPROFILE% | X:\Documents and Settings\{User} | X:\Users\{User} |
%PROGRAMFILES% | X:\Program Files | X:\Program Files |
%PROGRAMFILES(x86)% | X:\Program Files(x86) | X:\Program Files(x86) |
%COMMONPROGRAMFILES% | X:\Program Files\Common Files | X:\Program Files\Common Files |
%COMMONPROGRAMFILES(x86)% | X:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files | X:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files |
%WINDIR% | X:\Windows | X:\Windows |
%HOMEDRIVE% | X: | X: |